Qualitative research

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Forms and methods of research

Qualitative research

The main goal of qualitative research is to obtain detailed answers / opinions of consumers regarding the topic under study. UMP is ready to help you research, analyze and understand the attitude of consumers towards the topic / product that interests you.

Thanks to a specially equipped room, our company can conduct any quality research. We use a wide variety of techniques. The client can be provided with an edited video recording of the most nteresting and informative moments of group discussions, their full translation (transcripts) into Ukrainian, English, Russian, and a report. All qualitative research can be carried out both in Kyiv and anywhere in Ukraine. An online qualitative research option is available.

Focus groups are a group interview conducted by a moderator in the form of a group discussion according to a pre-developed scenario with a small group (6-12 respondents) of “typical” epresentatives of the studied part of the population, similar in basic social characteristics. During interviews from the audience, researchers receive subjective opinions about the product, service and other objects of research.

In-depth interviews are an informal personal conversation conducted by an interviewer according to a predetermined plan and based on the use of techniques that induce respondents to long and thorough discussions on a rangeu of issues of interest to the researcher. The interview is one-on-one (f2f) and usually lasts 30 to 60 minutes. During the interview, the respondent’s personal opinion, beliefs and values ​​are examined.

Expert interviews are one of he types of in-depth interviews; its main feature is the status and competence of the respondent, who is an experienced participant in the studied topic. To conduct a survey, the interviewer must have sufficient competence in he subject being studied, as well as know the terminology used by professionals when discussing questions on the research topic.

Observation - the researcher conducts direct observation of people and the situation, in pre-selected places, and communication with the respondent remains in the background.
Desk research (secondary analysis) - is the collection and analysis of secondary information from various sources. Secondary information - data that is not generated in the course of research (primary data), but is the result of other research or assessments. Desk research can act as an independent type of marketing research, or be carried out at the preliminary stage of collecting primary data.