Дослідницька компанія UMP
агенство, яке допомагає вибрати шлях до споживача
A great experience with UMP throughout the entire research process – from set-up, recruitment to fieldwork. During 10 years of cooperation, we covered a variety of categories and target groups. Together, we achieved helpful insights & good representations of the Ukrainian market. Looking forward to our next adventures!
Godehard Wakenhut, Corporate Director, GIM Gesellschaft fuer Innovative Marktforschung mbH
UMP Agency is our partner in the field of Brand Library Service and Retail Audit Measurement Services in Moldova starting 2010. During our cooperation UMP proved to be a sustainable company and a reliable business partner, providing a flexible approach to our needs, high efficiency and reliability, has confirmed the high level of professionalism, competence and activity in their tasks. All work is done on time and with the right quality. We are satisfied with the cooperation between UMP and our Company and would recommend them as a reliable and responsible partner.
Elena Ponomarchuk, Trade Research Manager, Imperial Tobacco Ukraine
Yves Rocher Ukraine highly appreciated the cooperation with Ukrainian Marketing Project and found this company to be an excellent partner because of its ability to get to the heart of issues, which get in way of a smooth and productive working relationship.
The involvement of highly qualified employees ensures all points are correctly followed up. We also appreciated the fact, that UMP is quite client-oriented which contributes widely to the success of our projects driving to more effective marketing & advertising communications.
Zhanna Ponomarenko, PR & Marketing manager, Yves Rocher Ukraine Ltd
“Ukrainian Marketing Project” (UMP) is a well-known company in the field of market research and opinion polls. GORBI has been working with UMP for over 10 years on major projects and the staff has always proved to be highly professional; they always keep to the timeline and they prepare and implement survey instruments very accurately
Merab Pachulia, Managing Director, Georgian Opinion Research Business International
ТОВ «Сандора» висловлюе подяку компанії «УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ МАРКЕТИНГОВИЙ ПРОЕКТ» (UMP) за якісне виконання pобіт з дослідження ринку - трекінговий проект «Роздрібний аудит безалкогольних напоїв в каналі HoReCa», котрий включає в себе 6 ХВИЛЬ ЩОРОКУ. Bci роботи виконуються своєчасно, в суворо обумовлені строки i з належною якістю. Співробітники компанії — це команда професіоналів, з якими приємно працювати.
Керівник департаменту продажів (HoReCa) Рощин Ю.С.