Quantitative research

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Quantitative research

UMP has extensive experience in marketing research, both at the regional and national levels. The base of our interviewers consists of more than 400 people throughout Ukraine, with whom we have been cooperating for at least 5 years. This allows us to qualitatively and quickly conduct quantitative research of any complexity.
Our company provides a full range of services - sample design, questionnaire development, results processing and analysis. The company uses the most modern methods of data analysis, the latest achievements in the field of statistical modeling. At the client's choice, the data are provided in ASCII and / or SPSS, PowerPoint formats with further presentation of the results to the client.

Types of quantitative research:

Personal interview (face-to-face) is one of the most common methods of data collection. The method is based on direct communication between the interviewer and the respondent. A personal interview is conducted using a structured questionnaire. During the survey, various demonstration materials can be used: cards, photographs, drawings, product samples, packaging, etc.
A personal interview can be conducted at the respondent's place of residence, at his workplace, on the street, in places of mass sales, as well as in a room specially rented for the survey (hall-test). It can be carried out using both paper questionnaires and using tablets and special software.

Hall-test - is used when it is necessary, with the help of existing or potential consumers, to test a new product, its packaging or name during its development, to compare various product options with each other or with competing products, to test an advertising appeal during development of an advertising campaign. A distinctive feature of the hall test is the direct contact of the respondent with the test object (for example, a taste test).
During the hall tests, the respondents are first presented with the test object, and then they are asked to fill out a special questionnaire consisting of standardized questions or answer orally to the questions asked by the interviewer.

Home-test (Testing at home) - the method is best used when positioning a new product, checking the perception of its consumer properties, identifying advantages and disadvantages in comparison with similar products of competitors. The product is tested under normal real conditions, at the respondent's home.

Telephone interviews - the method consists in questioning respondents by telephone on the basis of a pre-developed questionnaire.
Telephone surveys are used when it is necessary to relatively quickly and inexpensively research the main characteristics of consumers of a particular product or service, conduct a public opinion survey, find out the attitude of consumers towards a new product or advertisement, etc.

On-line polls - this type of quantitative research is most suitable either for studying the Internet audience, or for studying an audience whose composition can be controlled (for example, a survey of company employees, a survey with preliminary recruiting, etc.).

Online survey (CAWI - Computer Assisted Web Interview) is the most cost-effective way to collect quantitative data.

Mystery Shopping ("Mystery shopping") - allows you to assess the work process of the company, to analyze various aspects of its functioning through the eyes of a real consumer. The main objective of the study is to assess the quality of service with the help of purchases made by a specially trained person (an employee of a research company) disguised as an ordinary consumer according to a previously developed scenario.
Store check - allows you to get data on the structure of the trade supply on the market; prevalence and popularity of brands; the range of prices for the brand and indicators of the stability of the brand; differences between wholesale and retail prices, competitors' trading strategies, indirectly assessing market shares and sales volumes of specific manufacturers, etc. This method covers all types of retail outlets where the Customer's products are sold, from specialty stores to open markets.

Usage and Attitudes (U&A) - used when choosing target markets, looking for competitive advantages, introducing a new or repositioning an existing brand, as well as obtaining information to identify market opportunities, describe and segment markets, identify new opportunities for existing products and promising areas for new products.